How to choose Smoke Detector ?

When you're about to choose a smoke detector, be sure that the one you buy carry the mark of an independent testing laboratory. Several types of detectors are available. Some run on batteries; others run on household current.

The ionization smoke detectors are slightly more effective in detecting flaming fires and photo electronic models are slightly more effective in detecting smoldering fires. Both offer effective protection.

For the best coverage of all types of fires, select one of each type or the combination ionization-photo electronic model.

A very important thing to look for in purchasing a detector of either type is a listing mark from a licensed testing laboratory. The Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listing will assure you of a quality product.
Here are some buying tips:
  • Some door-to-door sales personnel use films, pictures and tape recordings that play on your emotions. Get at least two or three price estimates from different manufacturers before purchasing
  • Test the units as you install them or, if you hire someone else to install the units, request that the installer test them in your presence
  • Request an instruction brochure that gives you information on operation, testing and maintenance of the alarms.
  • Buy only fire detector alarms with labels showing they have passed the tests of the Underwriters' Laboratories (UL) or Factory Mutual (FM)
  • Understand the guarantee or warranty with the unit you select, and be sure you understand who will repair or replace the it if it is defective

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