What to do in case of fire in the house ?

The night is the period which saw the produce of 70% of home fires. The causes of fires are numerous, but always related to heat a frying pan left on the hob, an electrical appliance catches fire, a forgotten cigarette butt without being extinct ... When the fire started, the objective is to prevent it spreading throughout the house quickly.
The fire always causes a panic reaction. We must therefore learn to keep calm and know remove the source of energy. To do this, since the appearance of fire, he must cut all sources of energy ie gas, electricity cut off from the aircraft in question and whether it is a pan, smother the fire on the stove top by putting a wet towel.

Challenge yourself to safety

You can leave pending the arrival of firefighters:
  • Make evacuation of occupants, primarily children.
  • Go into the stairwell or outside the home.
  • Do not waste time trying to win your business, your safety is paramount: the fire can spread very quickly and the smoke is still very toxic.

You can not leave

If fire breaks out in a room that prevents you from earning outside, awaiting the arrival of firefighters:
  • Confine the fire in the room where he was said and leave the room.
  • Close doors to prevent the spread of fire and smoke.
  • Seal the door with a damp towel to prevent smoke from entering.
  • Open your window to take fresh air. Shake his hand to signal your presence to firefighters and people may see you.
If, despite all the smoke enters the room where you are: crouch down as close to the ground to avoid smoke and get some oxygen. If the Fire won the building, not the elevator, choose the fire escapes to win out. Finally if you can not control the fire, call the fire department immediately at 18 or 112.
The causes of home fires: Defective installation is the cause of a fire at four. Remember to check the status of the electrical installation. The kitchen is the room most likely to experience a fire starting. We will never leave pots and pans unattended. Be careful not to leave any flammable objects close to hot light bulbs, heaters, hot plates.

In Summary

When the smoke alarm beeps continuously, leave immediately and call the fire department from a safe place. Make sure all occupants have evacuated many housing or home. Do not go back inside a burning building. It should be hard to keep his composure to react adequately. The main rules in case of fire are:
  • 1. Alert the emergency and provide adequate information;
  • 2. Alert the occupants of the house or building;
  • 3. Try to extinguish the fire with the means in your possession
  • 4. Evacuate the house and go to the meeting place provided
  • 5. Make sure that no person is missing and that the premises were completely evacuated

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