
The absolute majority of fatal home fires happen at night when people are asleep. Opposite to common belief, the smell of smoke may not wake a sleeping person. The toxic gases and smoke produced by a fire can numb the senses and set you into a deeper sleep.

Home smoke detectors sound an alarm, warning you to a fire. By leaving you time to escape, smoke detectors reduce your risk of death in a home fire nearly by 50%. Smoke detectors save so many lives that most US states have laws requiring them in private households.

Fire experts assume that 50% of the lives lost in home fires in the US last year could have been saved if the families had used smoke detectors.

We’re happy that you’ve taken the first step by reading about smoke detectors and home fire safety.

 Do we need a smoke detector in our home?

Most fire fatalities happen between 2am and 6am, when residents are asleep and their natural “fire detecting equipment” is least effective. These deaths are induced by the inhalation of toxic gases or smoke, which reach victims before the fires.

Many asphyxiate without ever awaking or even becoming aware of the fire. They perish because they had no warning.

A smoke detector can detect a fire and sound an alarm while there is time to escape safely.

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